




提示示例: /imagine prompt <any art style> style cat

Block Print Example Midjourney image of a woodblock cat

Risograph Example Midjourney image of a risograph catBlacklight Painting Example Midjourney image of a Blacklight Painting cat

Folk Art Example Midjourney image of a folkart catUkiyo-e Example Midjourney image of a Ukiyo-e catCross Stitch Example Midjourney image of a cross stitch cat

Cyanotype Example Midjourney image of a cyanotype catPencil Sketch Example Midjourney image of a pencil sketch cat

Graffiti Example Midjourney image of a graffiti catWatercolor Example Midjourney image of a watercolor cat

Paint-by-Numbers Example Midjourney image of a Paint by Numbers catPixel Art Example Midjourney image of a Pixel Art cat



提示示例: /imagine prompt <style> sketch of a cat

Life Drawing Example Midjourney image of a life drawing sketch of a catCharcoal Sketch Example Midjourney image of a charcoal sketch of a cat

Continuous Line Example Midjourney image of a continuous line sketch of a cat

Loose Gestural Example Midjourney image of a Loose Gestural sketch of a cat

Blind Contour Example Midjourney image of a blind contour sketch of a cat

Value Study Example Midjourney image of a value study sketch of a cat



提示示例: /imagine prompt <decade> cat illustration

1700s Midjourney image of a 1750s cat1930s Midjourney image of a 1930s cat1980s Midjourney image of a 1980s cat

1800s Midjourney image of a 1800s cat1940s Midjourney image of a 1940s cat1990s Midjourney image of a 1990s cat

1900s Midjourney image of a 1900s cat1950s Midjourney image of a 1950s cat

1910s Midjourney image of a 1910s cat1960s Midjourney image of a 1960s cat

1920s Midjourney image of a 1920s cat1970s Midjourney image of a 1970s cat



提示示例: /imagine prompt <emotion> cat

Determined Midjourney image of a Determined catEmbarassed Midjourney image of an embarassed cat

Happy Midjourney image of a Determined cat

Sleepy Midjourney image of a Determined cat

Angry Midjourney image of an Angry cat

Shy Midjourney image of a Shy cat



提示示例: /imagine prompt <color word> colored cat

Millennial Pink Midjourney image of a millennial pink catTwo Toned Midjourney image of a two-toned colored catDay Glo Midjourney image of a DayGlo colored cat

Acid Green Midjourney image of an acid green catPastel Midjourney image of a pastel colored catGreen Tinted Midjourney image of green-tinted colored cat

Desaturated Midjourney image of a desaturated catMauve Midjourney image of a mauve colored cat

Canary Yellow Midjourney image of a canary yellow colored catEbony Midjourney image of a ebony colored cat

Peach Midjourney image of a peach colored catNeutral Midjourney image of a neutral colored cat



提示示例: /imagine prompt <location> cat

Tundra Midjourney image of a moutnain catCloud Forest Midjourney image of a cloud forest cat

Salt Flat Midjourney image of a salt flat cat

Jungle Midjourney image of a Jungle cat

Desert Midjourney image of a desert cat

Mountain Midjourney image of a mountain cat


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